Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kendall: My 4 month old beauty 8.22.13

Our tiny Kendy Pie,
                     You are 4 months old today!! You are growing bigger and smarter every day! You haven't stopped amazing me and Daddy since day 1. You love to sleep, eat, and play. You enjoy being outside, going places, and playing with Daddy. You and I nap and snuggle together every day and we always giggle and play when you wake up.

                  You have learned how to roll and roll and roll until you are exhausted. You found your feet this month and you can't get enough of those fun little things ;) You are trying to scoot everywhere!! You are still the best little sleeper at night, sleeping from 8:30p-6a. You take 2 or 3 short naps and 1 long nap every day. 

                    You are the best baby we could ever wish for! You are beautiful, sassy, smart, and fun. Your personality is HUGE and it get bigger every day. We are so excited for the months to come!!

                          We love you to the moon and back,
                                                         Mama & Daddy

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kendall Brooke: 3 months 7.22.13

Our sweet girl,
          You are 3 months old today!!

            You start your days around 7am with a big grin, a fresh diaper, a bottle, and some cuddle time with mommy. When Daddy wakes up you play and make faces with him until you're sleepy, then it's nap time. When you wake from your morning nap you have another bottle, play some more, then snuggle with Mommy until you fall asleep again. You usually nap for a long time for this nap. Daddy goes to work now :( When you wake up you have another  bottle and play some more. You will lay on your pallet or your play mat and kick your legs or watch out the window in your swing. Around 5pm you will have another bottle, then you want Mommy's full attention. We usually walk around the house doing chores while I wear you. You fall asleep for your last little nap of the day around 6:30pm. You will wake around 7:30pm. I start getting things ready for bath and bedtime while you lay on your pallet fussing until it's bath time around 8pm. You get a warm bath every night, followed by lavender lotion, a warm bottle, and then we rock and sing until you're sleepy. We put you in your crib between 8:30pm and 9pm where you sleep for 8-10 hours straight.

         You have been rolling from tummy to back since May 29th, but you rolled from back to tummy yesterday, on July 21! You are such a big girl and it makes Mommy and Daddy sad to see how fast you are growing up. You love to go outside and sit. You hate tummy time. You love playing with Daddy and snuggling with Mommy. We took you to get your ears pierced today, July 22. You were such a big girl! You cried for about 60 seconds and then  you were fine. You are teething now and you get fussy sometimes, but nothing a little tylenol and snuggles can't fix :)

         We are so proud of you and all you've learned! We love you to the moon and back sweet sugar!
                        -Mama and Daddy

Kendall Brooke: 2 Months 6.22.13

Kendall Brooke,
        You are 2 months old!! Oh, how time has flown by! We have learned so much about you and we are constantly in awe of you.

         You are sleeping beautifully these days! Mama gives you a warm bath every night, followed by a rub down with some good ole J&J lavender. Then you enjoy a warm bottle as you wind down. We rock and sing a few songs, then put you to bed in your crib where you fall asleep watching your crib soother. You sleep from about 9:30pm-5am when you wake for a fresh diaper and a bottle. Mama feed you and then we fall to sleep in the recliner together until you decide to wake up for the day around 7am.

         You are having more fun with tummy time, but when you don't want to lay on your tummy you roll yourself over to your back like a big girl! Your favorite toy is your playtime mat. You will kick around and play for 10-30 minutes down there. You smile and grin all the time. You are one happy baby! You went swimming for the first time this month and you liked it for about 15 minutes ;)

          We are SO proud of you, little girl! Our love for you grows more every day. I didn't know that was possible!
                               We love you to the moon and back little lovey,
                                                                          -Mama & Daddy