Friday, August 24, 2012

20 weeks

I should be 20 weeks pregnant today. We should be seeing our sweet boy on his anatomy scan today. We should be in the ultrasound room at my OB's office as I'm typing this. I should be feeling him move every day. I should be growing bigger every week.
But I'm not. Instead, I'm at home trying to stay busy so I don't cry. This has been the hardest day since we lost him. I am so sad today. I am depressed, angry, confused still.
I have come to the realization that everything we had planned before all this, doesn't matter anymore. God obviously didn't want our lives to go the way we were planning. Why? I don't have a clue. But through this I have learned to stop trying to micro-manage and plan every event in my life. It's make me physically ill to give this part of my life over to God completely, but I am working so hard on it. We have no idea what will come of Josh's injury, no clue where he will work when the Walgreen's/USA Drug buyout is over, no clue where we will live, when we will be blessed with a take-home baby...

I have been so mad at God for taking this precious life from us so soon. I have been angry at Him that He would allow this, but my sweet sister pointed something out to me. It is helping me cope and come back to God. She text me Wednesday and told me that it is so easy to get caught up in our own grief, but to remember God lost a child, too. "I will never have to feel the crown of thorns He wore for me, but I will always have a reminder of the pain He suffered just for me."-Hope for today, promises for tomorrow.

So for now, I'll cling to my ever-supportive husband. I'll pray every chance I get that God will someday bless us with all these definite things. I'll talk about our boy whenever I get the opportunity.

I should be 20 weeks pregnant today, but I'm empty...

Sweet Otis,
     Today we should be seeing you on ultrasound at 20 weeks gestation. You should be growing so big every week by now. We should be putting down a down-payment on a home, planning your nursery, getting things monogrammed with your real name, buying you fun things.
     But God needed you more than we did. He took you from us before we got to do these things. I know you are happy and safe in Heaven with God and your cousins, but we sure would love to see you. Please hug them for their mama's.
     We miss you so much it hurts. We love you to the moon and back, sweet child.
-Mama and Daddy

Here is a song Josh found and played for me the week Otis was taken from us.
Still by Gerrit Hofsink

PS. I got the sweetest gift in the mail today from a sweet friend from church. The prettiest necklace in remembrance of our Otis. Thanks so much, Brittney!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The short life of baby Otis

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 we got our first positive pregnancy test. I took about 4 more in the following 3 days just to make sure ;) I called my doctor Monday and they had me come in to draw blood quant for HCG and progesterone. They had me come in 2 more times 2 days apart to make sure my levels were doubling as they should. They doubled beautifully, as they should :) We were ecstatic! 

On Thursday, May 31, 2012 we got to see our sweet little bean for the first time! I was 7weeks and 6days pregnant and the baby had the strongest little heartbeat just fluttering away at 141bpm. I cried when I first saw the little bean :) We heard the heart beating on my handheld fetal doppler on Tuesday, June 19, 2012. It was so fast and so amazing! Of course, I cried again. Just knowing this little baby was growing inside me, was amazing. I had officially fallen in love with this sweet little babe we lovingly referred to as "Otis" just for fun. I listened for "his" heartbeat a couple times a week and I grew to know just where to find it :) Very low on my right sided tummy. It was always so loud and so fast at around 159-167bpm.

I continued to have a couple of very uneventful weeks full of excitement over being pregnant with our first baby. I didn't experience a whole lot of nausea, just when I got hungry. So I ate and stayed un-hungry :)

On Thursday, June 28, 2012 at just 12 weeks pregnant I began to bleed a little bit. I immediately freaked out, called the doctor and they told me to go home from work and lay down until they could get a hold of my doctor. She was in surgery at the time. About 5 minutes after I got home from work they called me and told me to go to the Har-Ber clinic and get an ultrasound. I was still absolutely terrified, but I managed to drive to the other side of Springdale in tears the whole way to check on our Otis. The ultrasound turned out perfect. He measured 11weeks and 6days, 164bpm, moving around like normal. I had my 12 week appointment the next day and when I went in to see Dr. Collins, she went over the ultrasound, said everything looked perfect, listened to his heartbeat and sent me on my way until my 16 weeks appointment.

Unfortunately, we never made it that far :-/ This is where things took a turn for the worst.

On Saturday, July 14, 2012 Josh and I travelled to Broken Arrow to visit my sister, Derick, and Jake. We were also going to check on our Otis and see if we get lucky and see girl or boy parts. Josh, Derick, Jake, and myself went to Bass Pro Shops after lunch to kill time while my sister finished up at a craft fair. We spent some time looking at the "big fishies" with Jake. He loves them :) Then we went upstairs and checked out the camping goods, guns, and finally the bows. Josh was checking out the bows when he suffered a severe eye injury. The bows were all zip tied together so you couldn't pull the strings. Well, he happened upon one that wasn't zip tied. He pulled the string back, and brought it back to place. Pulled it back again, and it slipped out of his hand. A plastic cable slide flew off the bow and hit his eye. His vision went from blurry to gone in less than 60 seconds in his right eye. And the colored part of his eye filled with blood.

    Derick drove us to the ER at St. John's hospital where Josh was seen immediately. The ER Doctor was fabulous. She examined Josh's eye, told him she assumed it was a traumatic hyphema. This is where the anterior chamber fills with blood due to an injury. She gave Josh some numbing eye drops and made sure he was comfortable while she tried to get a hold of the Opthamologist on call. That doctor, and apparently another on call doctor, refused to see Josh. They told the doctor to send him home and have him follow up with an optho in Arkansas on Monday.
    Thank God, Dr. Cain wouldn't accept that answer and called the on call optho at OSU Medical in Tulsa. He said to send Josh over immediately, he would meet him in the ER. We quickly made our way to OSU Medical Center, in the ghetto of Tulsa. No joke. Actually, when we got there, the hospital was on lock down. :)
   Dr. Chamberlain came in about 15 minutes after we got there and evaluated Josh completely. We discussed with him our disappointment in the other two doctors and he assured us that issue would be adressed as that was unacceptable. He told us that this injury is grounds for admission and absolutely NOT something to mess around with, but if we could get his occular pressure down, he could go home as long as he followed up with Dr. Chamberlain Monday morning. Josh's occular pressure was at 44 when we got to the hospital. Over 30 is considered dangerous. He gave Josh a series of 4 different eye drops, 2 oral meds and check his pressure 1 hour later. It had dropped to 30. He wanted it BELOW 30 to go home. He gave Josh the drops and meds series again and checked his pressure about 30 minutes later and the pressure dropped to 26. At this point, he was able to go home with strict orders to return to clinic Monday morning at 9am.

In the meantime, on Sunday, July 15, we drove up to the hospital where my sister works and peeked in on our little Otis. As soon as she pulled him up on the ultrasound machine, we could see he wasn’t really moving much. I just assumed he was sleeping and didn’t think much of it. Ryan continued to poke and prod around on my belly and tried to get him to move. He just was not moving. I could tell she was worried, but I had just heard his heartbeat four days before this. It was beating at 164 on Thursday. I had just felt Otis move for the first time ever just three days before this on Friday. She told me to check for his heartbeat on Monday as soon as we got home and if I found it, everything was fine. If I couldn’t find it, call my doctor asap. At this point, I felt terrible for my sister. She was stuck between a rock and hard place. If she said something to me and got me all freaked out and the baby was ok, she felt terrible for alarming me. But, if she didn't say anything to me, and we found he had no heartbeat a week later at our 16 week appointment, she would feel terrible for not saying anything to me.

Well, Monday morning rolled around and we took Josh to his appointment with Dr. Chamberlain. He checked his ocular pressure and everything looked well enough for us to go home, but he referred Josh to see Dr Adams here in Springdale the following day.

We left Broken Arrow and drove home that afternoon. As soon as we got back home, I ran straight to get the Doppler to check on our Otis. I placed the wand exactly where I knew his heartbeat was….nothing. Just the beat of my own heart. I searched around a little, thinking maybe he moved…..nothing. I searched and searched from about 10 minutes….nothing. I called my doctor’s, in tears and freaking out, and they put me through to a nurse. I told her I have been able to find this baby’s heartbeat for the past 4 weeks and I could not find it anywhere. She assured me that sometimes it is hard to find the heartbeat this early. I knew this was true, but I also knew exactly where to find my baby's heartbeat. She told me to come in to the office right then and they would check with their doppler just to ease my mind.
   Josh and I drove to the doctor's office in tears and were seen immediately. The nurse searched with their Doppler and kept finding my heartbeat at 120bpm. She said she thought that was the baby’s. I kept telling her no it wasn’t, that was mine. They baby never had a heartbeat under140bpm. So she said let's go get a quick ultrasound to check on baby. We went to the ultrasound room and Dr. Hardman came in to do the ultrasound. As soon as she pulled that sweet little baby up, I knew my answer. He was so still, so peaceful. She tried for about 5 minutes to get the baby to move and to see the heartbeat, but it just wasn't there. She told us she couldn't find it, and couldn't see the blood pumping through the heart when she changed it to color setting. She told me our baby only measure 12weeks and 6days. I told her I should be 14weeks and 5days. She told us he had stopped growing 2 weeks prior at 12weeks and 6days. She apologized and said our baby had no heartbeat. He was gone. Just like that, he was gone. I told her we had just heard his heartbeat the Thursday prior to this. She said it sounded like he hung on for 2 weeks after he stopped growing. She said she had to have another doctor confirm our loss to make the next step. They told me that because I was so far along, I had no choice but to have a d&c. This is where they put you to sleep, dilate you cervix, and remove the baby and all placental tissues from your uterus.
    While we waited for the other doctor to come in and confirm our loss I had Josh make a call to my mama and we prepared ourselves for the worst. About 10 minutes later a nurse came in and talked to me about a D&C. I told her I wanted it done asap. I really don't care how terrible this sounds, but I wanted it out of me right then.
    Dr. Markell and Dr. Hardman returned a short minute later and performed one last ultrasound, which verified that indeed, our baby had stopped growing at 12weeks and 6days. His heartbeat stopped sometime between Thursday and Sunday. They both expressed their apologies and Dr. Hardman stayed and explained the procedure to me. She checked my doctor's schedule and said Dr. Collins could do the D&C the next day at noon. 

My sister was right to have been worried. I am so grateful that she was the one who found our baby not moving and no heartbeat. But, I was devastated that she had to be the one to find it. She told he how incredibly sorry she was and she wished I never had to know this pain. The pain she has experienced three terrible times. She was the biggest support I had through all this and she remains my biggest support.
That was the worst day of my life. Everyday since then has been a huge struggle. The next morning, (Tuesday, July 17, 2012), my mama and Ryan drove up here and took me to the hospital for my d&c. Josh’s mom came up and took him to his appointment.

While I was getting prepped for surgery, Josh got done at his appointment and came up to the hospital. I got to see him right before they wheeled me back. He just held me for a few minutes and we cried. We finally got a few minutes to mourn the loss of our one and only baby.

The next few weeks, Josh was on bed rest, vision slowly coming back, bleeds slowly clearing up, ocular pressure still far too high. I saw my doctor for a followup 10 days after my procedure and she referred me to a maternity and fetal specialist for a workup. I saw Dr. Canzoneri the following day and he ordered a huge list of bloodwork to be done the following Monday. He assured me that we would de everything we could to keep from this happeneing again.

All my bloowork came back normal, with the exception of the MTHFR mutations, which we already knew about. His plan is for the next pregnancy, God willing there is one, I will immediately be put on baby aspirin along with 4mg of folic acid, B6, B12, and a pre-natal. He decided my gene mutation did not need any more anti-coalgulant, thank God because it is expensive.

Josh got to return to work a few weeks ago. He is doing well. Still recovering, still healing, still no complete return of vision. He saw his doctor again yesterday and his ocular pressure was a 40! That’s almost as high as it was the night of the injury! We also had his followup appointment with Dr Adams and he decided the injury caused an angle recession, meaning the draining mechanism in his eye shifted and is not functioning properly. It’s not allowing the eye to drain the fluid properly, which is causing the eye to clog, which is causing the insanely high pressure. They referred Josh to Dr Vold, a glaucoma specialist to discuss surgery.  We see him on Friday, August 24, 2012. So it seems this will be a very long process of healing.

I have since quit my job at the Ear, Nose, and Throat clinic due to personal reasons. God placed the perfect part-time job in my lap and I started working at Ozark Dermatology the Monday after my last day at ENT Clinic. It has been the best change of pace for me. It is exactly what I need for now and my co-workers are amazing.

I can honestly say, I have never experienced so much trauma as we have the past  39 days. While my husband was afraid he may never see again, we experienced the loss of our only baby. My faith in God has never been tested this way before. I have never been this angry with life and God as I am now. I still pray to Him everyday, I still do my devotions when I can. But I am so angry. What makes me so incredibly angry is that God allowed this to all happen to us. He let this happen. I know there is a reason for the events that have unfolded, and I know we will be able to use this whole experience to praise God one day, but that does not make these days any easier to handle.

For now, we are putting trying to have a family on hold. We are focusing on getting Josh healed. I am focusing on finishing school. We are still mourning the loss of our sweet Otis. (Many of you asked if we really named him that, and how did we know he was a boy. This baby has been and will always be “Otis” to us. We called him that from the first time we saw him. We don’t know for sure he was a boy. We think we saw boy parts on the last two ultrasounds we saw. We feel like he was our “Otis”.)

I pray every day for God to wrap His arms around us and comfort us. We haven’t been comforted yet. We have all these people praying for us. Praying for peace and comfort. But, we haven’t been comforted yet. When does this ache in my heart go away? When does the resentment towards pregnant women go away? When does the bitterness and anger leave us?

I can truly say if you have never experienced the loss of a child, you will never understand the pain, the torture, and the terrible feelings you live with daily. I long for the day when God takes all this pain away from us and blesses us with a child we have so deeply wanted and prayed for. Until then, we will trust that there is a light at the end of this long, painful tunnel. 

Here are a few photos to remember our little man. Baby Otis Rust 7/17/2012 :)

This is the tattoo I got to remember him
This is at 12 weeks 4 days pregnant. I *loved* being pregnant. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let me elaborate :)

A few weeks ago, right after we suffered the loss of our Otis, I blogged a post on "What not to say to a woman suffering a miscarriage." I still stand firm on that post. If you missed it please read it here. Anyway, after a few weeks have passed, I feel the need to elaborate on why some of those cliche phrases are not appropriate. And I want to give credit for some of these to a friend in a support group, Tabitha, thanks for helping me express these thoughts!

The first one I'd like to address is "It wasn't meant to be." or "Everything happens for a reason." That doesn't make us feel better at all. In fact, it really takes away our right to grieve properly. If you're saying that my baby wasn't meant to be, but all the unwanted babies, or all the babies born to women who get them taken away, or all the babies who are killed by abortion each year were "meant to be" or those women were "meant to keep their babies", you are absurd. You don't get to think or say that my baby wasn't "meant to be." If he wasn't meant to be, God would not have given me that positive pregnancy test or those 14 weeks of pregnancy. My baby was here for his short life, and he had an agenda. We don't know what it was now, we may not ever know, but he did.

The next one, which I think I left out of my post, is "He's in a better place." While I'm glad he's with God and his cousins, there will never be a moment where I think he is in a better place. There is no place better for a baby than with his mama and daddy. No matter how strong my walk with God is or will ever be, I will always want Otis here with us. I am grateful I have a God to take care of him in Heaven, but he should still be here with me. End of story.

The next one, "You can always have another". You should NEVER say this to anyone who has suffered the loss of a child. You don't have any idea that I can successfully get pregnant again. You don't have any idea that I can carry a child to live, IF I can get pregnant. Just because someone is able to get pregnant once, does NOT automatically mean it will be cake the next go round. So, unless you have some sort of crystal ball and know without a doubt I'll get pregnant and get to bring a healthy baby home from the hospital one day, don't say this to me.

The last one I want to elaborate on is "It's time to move on". Where should I begin? First, you don't get to decide when my grief is expired. You don't get to say when enough is enough. This was not your child. Your child is still here, living, on earth. You see, I have every right to mourn the loss of my baby, the loss of life for my baby. Why you ask? Because when you lose a child you lose the past, the present, and the future. Not only for myself and Josh, but for this baby. So in all reality, I have a lifetime of mourning and grief left to do. The phrase "dwelling on the past" has no place in this subject of life.

I think that about sums it up :)
Happy Thursday, friends.

Monday, August 13, 2012

A note to our boy, 4 weeks later.

Our sweet Otis,
    4 weeks ago, right now, I was preparing myself for the procedure where they would take you away from me. I would no longer have the comfort of knowing you were here with me. I cried all night. When I wasn't crying, I was cleaning, doing laundry, doing dishes, taking care of your daddy. I was doing whatever I could to take my mind off of losing you. Now, I wish I had just laid down and held my belly, to cherish those last hours you would be here.
   My sweet boy, we miss you so much. We love you more than you will ever know. Not a day goes by that we don't dream about you, about who you would've been, who you would've looked like. I dream of the holidays with you. Those are my favorite times of the year. I've always looked forward to sharing our holidays with our babies. Knowing  you won't be here with us for our holidays is heart breaking. But, knowing you will be with Jesus and your cousins comforts me a little.
   Your daddy thinks about you often. When he does, he reaches over and touches my wrist where your  tattoo is :) We are finding ways to remember you with joy, rather than with sadness. I have a necklace with your name on it. When I think about you, I find myself touching your name. My new boss made me a bracelet with the colors we were using for your nursery and stuff. We have a memory box with all your pictures and mementos in it. We will continue to add things to it.

We miss you, sweet angel. We will forever love you. Give your cousins kisses from their mommies.
   We love you so much, baby boy. To the moon and back! Hugs and kisses,
         Mama & Daddy

Friday, August 10, 2012

On a decent day :)

I've posted all about the bad days I've had, because that's mostly all I've had since July 14th. But, I thought I would post about today, since it's been a comparatively decent day :)

I woke up to my silly puppy and my smiling Hubbs, couldn't really complain about that! I know that in the past 27 days I have become increasingly grateful for the man God blessed me with. I would not want to experience any of this life without him! 

I had a post op doctor's appointment today that I have been dreading for two weeks. I have been so terrified of walking in that office and seeing all those happy, big pregnant women. Just knowing they get to see their sweet little babies on that ultrasound, with a beating heart, has been giving me anxiety attacks. Lucky for me, there were only two visibly pregnant women in that waiting room, and my mama kept me busy on the phone while I was in the waiting room. The appointment went well. As well as expected, I suppose. She just checked me, said I was healing great, asked me how I was doing (dumb question), discussed the visit with the specialist, and said they will wait to hear from me when we get pregnant. She gave us the all-clear, which is good because we kinda thought we already had the all-clear! Lol!

After my appointment, Josh told me to go treat myself to a pedicure. You know I took him up on that offer REAL quick! ;-) Anyway, I went to my regular salon and got all comfortable in my massaging chair with my feet all up in that hot water. The girl I was sitting next to starts telling the salon tech ALLLLLLL about her being pregnant with her third kid, it's a girl named Emma, she's due October 30th, she's gained 17 pounds, she is craving Taco Bell right now....Really? Ok, haha, joke's on me, I've been punked, you can leave now. I came awfully close to slapping her pregnant butt right up-side the head. But, I contained myself. I did everything I could not to burst into tears, because I was jealous, I was mad, I was sad I wouldn't get to talk about any of that stuff...Thank God for Heather, because she helped me see the light with my situation. This girl is sitting here all happy and pregnant, talking about it like no one else is in this salon but her. All the while, she's sitting next to a woman who just lost her baby at almost 15 weeks pregnant. You just never know what the person sitting next to you is going through.

All this, just to say this is the first time I've really been able to handle a situation like this without having a full-on anxiety attack and having to crawl under the covers for the day. I can honestly say, I'm healing. In my own time, in my own way. But, I'm healing. It may not be as fast as you'd like, or the way you'd like to see someone heal. But then again, have you lost a child? The people that have never had an experience like this don't like the way or the time-frame I'm healing. The ones who keep telling me there is no time-line for grief, there is no guide on "How to get over it", those are the people who have felt a grief and a pain like this. And to all of you who are supporting me in my process, thank you. I love each and every one of you. To those who have been praying for me, thank you, because I finally had a good day, with no anxiety attacks or breakdowns, and I can acknowledge and reflect on today as a good day! 

Happy Weekend :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What now?

110 days. That's how long I was pregnant. It has been 23 days since I was pregnant...I still haven't completely come to the realization that I won't see that baby on a 20 week ultrasound. We won't see him be born in the new year.

I had a plethora of blood work drawn just 15 days after losing our sweet babe. 11vials, to be exact. Dr. Canzoneri wanted to test for underlying conditions that may have contributed to our loss. I really just wanted something to come back abnormal so we would have an answer, any answer. But, thankfully and annoyingly, all my tests came back normal. No answers to our late miscarriage, no idea of what to do next, no comfort in knowing I did nothing wrong.

I know it's silly, because I should be overly grateful for normal results, but I just wanted answers. Now, we have nothing to go on but to try again and watch more closely if I get pregnant again.

I started a new job this week at Ozark Dermatology. It is exactly what I needed at this stage in life! I work Monday-Thursday 9-1. I wanted a part time job so I could focus more on school and home. Eventually, if we get to have any living babies, I want to stay at home as much as possible with them.

Today, I am SICK of seeing pregnant ladies and new mommies post on facebook and twitter how they are just "miserably sick" or they are "so tired from getting no sleep last night". Let me just tell ya something, I would give *anything* to have either of those problems! You are literally making me sick by complaining about having a baby that is causing you these terrible problems. <insert sarcasm.
I think I have moved out of the sad and depressed stage and right on into the pissed off/angry stage this week. I hate it, really. But, it's how I feel.

The one thing that has made me the most angry through this whole experience are friends and family completely withdrawing from Josh and I. I don't care how angry, sad, bitter I get, they should be there for us! You shouldn't avoid us, you shouldn't shun us. Of all the times we've needed anyone, now is the time we need everyone's support, prayers, love, and time.

I have my sister to thank for my sanity. Anytime I'm feeling down, I just text her. She always takes a minute to talk to me. I know it's probably extremely hard for you right now, but I appreciate your time so much, sister. I wish, so much, that we didn't have to know this pain and have this connection, but we do...and it is so unfair.

I also have Heather to thank for all the time she spends listening to me. Of all the people I have in my life, you listen the most. And you tell me the truth, even if I don't like it. I love you for that.

The point of posting this blog today, was to try and change my view. I read a blog post today from a lady who's experienced three miscarriages and sees lots of women go through it. Today she said she is changing her question of "Why?" to "What's next?" So, what's next? What do we do now?

We want kids. So we will try, and try again until I can get it right.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Three weeks later...

Three weeks ago, today, I had a d&c procedure where they removed my dead baby from my body. I am experiencing extreme feelings of bitterness, anger, confusion...I just want to know why. Why did this happen to me? Why did God allow this to happen to Me and Josh?

I often sit and dream of holding our baby in my arms. Rocking him to sleep, kissing his chubby cheeks. I think he would have been born with dark hair, blue eyes, and chubby as can be :)

We always said we would follow the baby-wise program when it came to sleep training our babies. But, now I know if God ever allows us to have a baby, I will rock that baby to sleep every chance I get. I find myself rocking in our rocking chair, just day-dreaming my baby is here with me.

I am so angry tonight :-\ I hate these feelings, but I know they are natural. I am so mad. I'm mad at every pregnant person I see. I'm mad at all these women with kids they can't take care of. I'm mad at the ones that let their babies die in the heat.

Why can't I have a baby? Why can't someone who can love and care for their baby, be blessed with one?

I had a great couple of days, and now this evening has been so rough...I am pissed, honestly. (and I can say this, because it's my blog) I haven't gone back to church yet, because I feel so fake going back and pretending I'm ok, pretending I'm happy to be around all these beautiful families and happy people. I'm not. I'm not ok, not happy, not "over this".

I'm so tired of being judged by people on Facebook for expressing my thoughts and my feelings. I would give anything to feel better again, to feel whole, to feel ok. But I'm not. I'm still grieving, still angry, still bitter.

I am able to pray and read my devotions again, which is a huge step. But I still can't stomach the happy songs about blessings and God's promises...because I feel abandoned. I feel forgotten and unloved...I know I'm not, I know God is here with me. Because I can feel Him, I can feel Him comfort me every now and then. But, I'm not better. I keep re-hashing every moment I was pregnant and wondering if I could have done anything differently. Could I have helped this? What did I do wrong?

Just holding on, waiting for the day I can rejoice in the 15 weeks We had with this sweet baby.

We miss you, everyday baby Otis. We love you to the moon and back. We dream of holding you, rocking you, kissing your chubby cheeks, and even being woken up by you in the middle of the night.

So, while you complain about not getting any sleep, not getting any "me time", having morning sickness, getting fat, and whatever else you may gripe about, remember there are people praying to have those things, begging God to give us those things. So as I stated earlier, "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for."

Love on your babies extra long tonight, because we will never get that opportunity with our sweet Otis.