We went and had an elective gender ultrasound done this past weekend and learned that we are having a sweet little girl! :) I was just absolutely positive I was having a boy....I was wrong! My parents and Josh's parents came with us and it was so amazing to see that little tiny 6oz baby dancing around in there. She is perfect! We saw her 10 tiny fingers and toes, her heart pumping away, her chubby little belly, and her little girly parts ;) I was 15w6d and she was measuring at 16w1-3d. So still 2-4 days ahead! Josh is so excited! He wanted a little girl so badly. I can't wait to see him with her :)
Here are a few pitcures we got of her
Here is her sweet little profile :)
Here she is rubbing her eyes/face and has her little legs crossed.
And this one shows her little girly parts! Right in between her legs are 3 little lines. This indicates a girl :)
We are so excited to add Kendall Brooke to our family in 5 months!!
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