Thursday, March 21, 2013

33 Weeks and another preterm scare

How far along? 33 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain: +22 lbs
Maternity clothes? lots of yoga pants and big ole tshirts this lazy week
Stretch marks? On my belly :( 
Sleep: Sleep has not been great this week
Best moment this week: Listening to K's heartbeat for hours while monitoring
Miss Anything? everything - I am officially at the "uncomfortable" stage, out of breath often & I am really missing being able to put on socks/pants without huffing & puffing
Movement: ALL the time. She's bruising my ribs :(
Food cravings: Nothing. I've lost my appetite.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions this week, dilated to a 1.
Symptoms: bruised ribs from tiny feet
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? Real set off, fake set on.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Just really tired...
Looking forward to: Meeting our precious girl soon!!

So over the weekend I was contracting A LOT. Like timeable, belly tightening, low back aching, thigh throbbing contractions. They got pretty bad Friday night, but slowed as I fell asleep. Same thing Saturday. Sunday I woke up just feeling yucky. Something wasn't right. By 5pm Saturday I was timing them ever 5.5ish minutes apart. I took a warm bath, drank some water, and laid down on my left side. They never slowed. By 8pm I was hurting and Josh was worried so he had me call my on-call OB. I called and she asked if I had been dilated at my last appointment. I wasn't, so she advised me to drink lots of water, lay down and wait an hour. By 10pm I fell asleep and the contractions had slowed again. 
When I woke up Monday morning I was still contracting, but not regularly. I called my OB anyway to see what she wanted me to do. They wanted to me to come into the office for monitoring. So we went into the office at 3 Monday afternoon. 
By the time we got to Fayetteville I was regularly contracting again. They hooked me up to the monitor in the office for about 10 minutes. K was NOT happy about that. She was kicking, punching, doing anything she could to get away from the fetal monitor. After about 10 minutes the nurse came back in to check the monitor. She looked at it and said, "Hmm! You sure are having contractions!!" I'm thinking, no joke lady...
Dr. Collins came in and said the contractions were about 2 mintues apart. She checked my cervix and sure enough I was dilated to a 1, but no thinning (thank God!).  She said my blood pressure was pretty high for me, but it was most likely because I was hurting. So she sent me up to L&D and said she wanted to hydrate me with IV fluids, slow the contractions, keep an eye on the BP, and IF the contractions slowed she would send me home with Procardia for the contractions until 35 weeks. 
We went upstairs to L&D and got hooked up to the monitor there. After about a half hour they got my IV started. Then about a half hour later they got the meds in my IV to slow contractions. An hour after the first does the contractions hadn't slowed any. So they nurse said they could try one more dose, wait an hour, and if that didn't do anything she'd have to call the OB and see what to do next. After the second dose I was completely woozy and falling asleep. But every contraction would wake me up. Nurse came in about an hour later and said the contractions had slowed to about 10-12 minutes apart so they could send me home. 
After I got discharged it was about 9pm and we went to get my Procardia prescription filled so I could start it right away. I took the first dose Monday night and woke up with the WORST headache, but no regular contractions. :)
I haven't had any regular contractions since Monday night. But I'm experiencing some pretty intense rib cage pain, both in the front and back of my ribs. I was pretty sure I was dying Wednesday night ;) 
Anyway, K is nice and healthy, contractions are at bay for now, and we are holding out for AT LEAST a 37 weeker!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

32 Weeks-Kendall was showered with love

 Sweet decor from the baby shower this past weekend :)

 The most thoughtful gift. A blanket with fabric squares made from the bridesmaid dress KayCee wore in our wedding. I LOVE it!

 My sister at 27 weeks pregnant, proud momma, and me at 32 weeks!

My sweet sister and I :)

How far along? 32 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain: 23 lbs
Maternity clothes? lots of maternity shirts,  jeans, and dresses
Stretch marks? On my belly :( 
Sleep: Sleep is great in the recliner!
Best moment this week: Our first baby shower. Kendall was showered with so much love!!

Miss Anything? everything - I am officially at the "uncomfortable" stage, out of breath often & I am really missing being able to put on socks/pants without huffing & puffing
Movement: more like rolling around instead of kicking ...but hiccups at least 3 times a day times a day, usually around 6 times a day!!
Food cravings: Homemade chocolate chip cookies!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions this week :-/
Symptoms: Heartburn, out of breath every now & then, sore ribs from tiny feet
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? My fake set is starting to fit better each week...guess I'm starting to swell some.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week :)
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet girl in 7 weeks or less!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? lots of maternity shirts jeans
Stretch marks? On my belly :( 
Sleep: Sleep is good in the recliner!
Best moment this week: When Josh got to feel Kendall hiccuping and rolling around.....HARD!

Miss Anything? everything - I am officially at the "uncomfortable" stage, out of breath often & I am really missing being able to put on socks/pants without huffing & puffing
Movement: more like rolling around instead of kicking ...but hiccups at least 3 times a day times a day, usually around 6 times a day!!
Food cravings: still craving sweets all the time! The Easter candy is killing me!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Still contracting when I over do it
Symptoms: Heartburn, out of breath every now & then, sore ribs from tiny feet
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? My fake set is starting to fit better each week...guess I'm starting to swell some.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed beyond belief this week.
Looking forward to: finishing the nursery and my first baby shower Saturday!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I lost 3lbs this week, so I'm back down to +20lbs

Maternity clothes? Still wearing LOTS of yoga pants, same old jeans, and dresses.

Stretch marks? More and more on my belly :(

Sleep: Well you see...I have found a sweet little thing called the recliner! It's my best friend. I now sleep for 5-6 hours at night and ZERO hip pain. It's fabulous!

Best moment this week: Seeing our chubby girl again :) We had a growth scan since my belly is measuring ahead by 4 weeks. Kendall is nice and healthy :) She is measuring 2 weeks ahead at 32 weeks. Weighing in at 4lbs 3oz. My doctor doesn't think I'll make it to 40 weeks, but if I do I can expect a 9lb baby!!! Holy cow. I am still on bed rest until at least 35 weeks.

Movement: She's still all over the place. People say to expect her to calm down with movement as she gets bigger....well, she's getting bigger and not calming down any. haha! She gets hiccups anywhere from 2-6 times a day and she HATES them.

Food cravings: Chicken fried rice and Domino's pasta bowl.

Miss anything? Just sleeping on my belly.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? My original set is too tight for comfort, but my cheapie is still too big...

Labor signs? Unfortunately, the contractions have come back this week. :-/ Had about 2 hours of intense and regular contractions with pain on freaked me out. But after about 3 glasses of water, laying down for an hour, and a nice warm bath they calmed down.

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody still.

Milestones: 10 weeks or less!

Here are her little feet crossed on top of eachother :)

Her chubby little face :)